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From the Desk of Euniece ...

In order to live the life you desire, Desire the life you live

Life Lessons from a Butterfly!... Emerge from your cocoon and Spread Your Wings...


Your Dreams Will Pay Off

You have hope

You have energy,

You have vision, passion and determination,

Why let it sit in the “Bank” when you can put it to work?

Invest it all in what matters most to you and watch an amazing future unfold.


“To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived… this is to have succeeded”

               Ralph Weldo Emerson


I’ve learned  that  people will  forget what you said,

People will forget what you did.

But people will never forget

How you made them feel.

Maya Angelo

“In order to live the life you desire, Desire the life that you live.

Look at life with the right perspective.

Have an Attitude of Gratitude.


I’ve learned  that  people will  forget what you said,

People will forget what you did.

But people will never forget

How you made them feel.

Maya Angelo

“In order to live the life you desire, Desire the life that you live.

Look at life with the right perspective.

Have an Attitude of Gratitude.







The brain is the single highest user of oxygen in the body.

Exercise is responsible for the majority of the positive brain changes seen with environmental enrichment, including increases in the size of the cortex, enhanced levels of growth neurotransmitters like acetylcholine, and enhanced growth of blood vessels in the brain.

Both exercise and enriched environments enhance the birth of new brain cells.

In an observational study of the elderly, higher levels of exercise were correlated with lower incidence of dementia later in life.


  • If you don’t have hours in the day to exercise, here are some ideas that I use in my own life to get that regular exercise practice going in just four minutes:
  • Walk up the stairs to your favorite upbeat song Like “IF YOU DON’T BELIEVE ME JUST WATCH” or Happy by Pharrel Williams) until the song is over, then take the elevator up the rest of the way up.
  • Challenge a coworker to do a combination of desk push-ups and squats at work for four minutes. Then challenge someone else.
  • Set a timer for about four minutes and clean up as much of your home or office as you can as fast as you can.
  • Do some speed vacuuming or mopping: that can really work up a sweat and it will last for four minutes.
  • Do jumping jacks or play tag with your kids for four minutes, if you don’t have kids borrow the neighbors kids.
  • Be a kid again by using the Hula Hoop for four minutes. Believe it or not it’s amazing workout for your abs and core.

Just one minute of power poses decreases the stress hormone cortisol, increases testosterone and results in people performing  better in interview situations, suggesting that power poses should be used to prepare for important talks, presentations and interviews.

Making your workout intentional is simply adding a powerful or uplifting or fun mantra of affirmation to your favorite workout. Saying the affirmation out loud is great (if you can) it strengthens the declaration.   


The brain=body connection is the idea that your brain, including your thoughts, can affect your body (for example, thinking positive thoughts about a healing injury or recovery from the flu can speed the process). And conversely changes in your body

(increased or decreased movement for example) can affecr your body.

Intentional exercise happens when you make exercise both aerobic (movement) and mental (with affirmations or mantras). You are fully engaged in the movement and trigger a heightened awareness of the brain-body connection.  You can make any exercise intentional by adding affirmations or mantras to your workout.

Positive affirmations have been shown to boost mood but the neurobiology underlying this behavioral change is not yet understood.